
Monday, July 9, 2012

How Does My Garden Grow: Early-July

I don't know how a month managed to fly by since the last time I posted a garden update. Our garden has been producing so much in late June and early July that we jokingly referring to it as our farm. The growing season is about 1/2 over here and JR and I both agree that this is the best garden we've ever had! Not only have we yielded more than ever before, we've also had a lot of success growing new types of vegetables. I won't bore you with any more talk, I'll just get on to what we've harvested in the last month.

First up is greens, lots and lots of greens. We've enjoyed multiple salads with crisp heads of 2 varieties of romaine and bowl after bowl of arugula and spinach. We've had so much that we've shared with family and friends. You may also see a small amount of dill peeking out. The dill bolted a while ago and spinach recently bolted so those were both pulled. I hope to reseed once the summer heat starts to fade.

I've also harvested 2 bowls of both peas (left) and snow peas (right), which I've flash boiled and frozen. It looks like a lot of peas until you shuck them...

This sink-full below is a twice weekly scene in our house. I've lost count of the cucumbers and zucchini we've picked, but I can safely say more than 20 and 12 respectively. We've enjoyed many ourselves, shared with family and neighbors, and I foresee lots of pickle and relish canning in the very near future. Note: I try to pick them smaller than shown here, but they got away from us while we were on vacation.

Here is a sampling of some new items this year, turnips, pattypan squash and radishes. I've used the turnip in soup but we've yet to try the others. Again, we've shared our pickings with family and neighbors and tomorrow's dinner will use up these pattypan shown here (recipe coming soon).

A few things harvested but not pictured are a handful of golden cherry tomatoes which didn't even make it into the house (eaten straight from the vine!), more strawberries, rosemary, scallions, chives, mint and cilantro.

Things we've yet to harvest: black raspberries, buttercup squash, peppers, tomatoes and thyme.

Things which have yet to produce: eggplant, tomatillos, brussel sprouts and spaghetti squash.

Do you have any ideas for cucumbers other than pickles and relish? What have you been enjoying from  your garden or the farmer's market?


  1. You garden IS awesome! I have never had patty pan squash,,looking forward to hearing about that.

    I don't make alot of noise, usually. Can I move in????

  2. Ooops,,,forgot to leave this site. Maybe some ideas for your cukes. And don't forget to put a few cool slices on those eyes and relax once in awhile!
